Why Yoga?
“You are meant to feel good in your body”
“Words fail to convey the total value of yoga. It has to be experienced.” BKS Iyengar
Yoga works on many levels… it will strengthen and stretch the muscles in your body, enhance your circulation, improve your lung capacity, the function of your organs, the quality of your sleep and improve your digestion and metabolism AND it will have an amazing impact on your mood.
Yoga will help you to find the joy and pleasure in moving AND really “being” in your body both on AND off the mat.
Yoga is so much more than a “work out” or making pretty shapes with our bodies (but ohhhh aren’t those shapes beautiful- and don’t they FEEEEL great to make too). It’s about creating union… between you, your spirit and your body.
When you work the breath with the movements it allows you to remain mentally and emotionally grounded and still. From this space you are more open and connected to your intuition and your deep internal wisdom. This will help you make better decisions AND create a life that is founded on your deepest truth.

“Sublime stress blaster”
Yoga will help you to cultivate a deep sense of peace and calm in your life and will help you deal more effectively with stress. Yoga actually works by calming that primal “stress response” that is part of our repitilian brain, that once triggered (often at the drop of a hat) sends nasty stress hormones aka “cortisol” throughout the body that sends us into fight or flight mode.
Here’s what else Yoga can do for you.
It helps you with:
- Anxiety
- Arthritis and Rheumatic disorders
- Asthma and Bronchitis
- Back disorders
- Diabetes
- Heart disease
- High blood pressure
- Insomnia
- Menopausal disorders
Still not covinced about the benefits of yoga? Sample this http://www.yogajournal.com/article/health/count-yoga-38-ways-yoga-keeps-fit/
Divine Warrior Yoga is now offering Yin yoga, Vinyasa Flow and Meditation classes in Doreen, just a short drive from suburbs; Mernda, South Morang, Mill Park, Hurstbridge, Plenty, Arthurs Creek and Yarrambat, with 3 different styles of yoga and meditation to choose from there’s a practise to meet everyones needs.
Avail of the introductory offer~ $25 for 2 classes (must be used within 14 days) and immerse yourself in one (or two) of these beautiful practises in this ‘Divine’ Studio.
Monday 7.30pm ~ Meditation
Tuesday 7.30pm ~ Yin Yoga
Thursday 7.30pm ~ Vinyasa Flow
Saturday 8am ~ Vinyasa Flow
Divine Warrior Yoga is a small studio and so bookings are essential!
For bookings contact: https://divinewarrioryoga.com.au/contact/